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Day and Trains

Pricings Listed below

Similar to a board and train but you don't have to go 2-3 weeks without seeing your dog and you get to be apart of the training process. Board and Trains tend to not have the same success as our day and train program because with board and trains the dog is taught to listen to the trainer rather than the owner. But we want to teach the dog to have a better relationship with you considering he/she is your dog after all! Day and trains are everyday Monday-Thursday for a 6/8 hour day of training. Following a day of training we have a 15-30 minute session going over what was taught that day to set you and your dog up for success that night before coming in for the next day! Thursdays are 45 minutes - 1 hour for a recap of the week going into the weekend with your dog! This way you have practice of implementing training with your dog and you can come up with feedback before the next week of training! It is perfectly designed for the owner and trainer to help build up the perfect dog-owner relationship.

Daily Training Packages  

(All of these packages have a lifetime guarantee)

4 day package


This is an Intro into obedience with your dog. We work on building the foundations of leash manners, walking on a leash, teaching place and a recall command, crate manners, puppy biting, potty training, jumping and so much more! This is ideal for puppies.

8 day package


Similar to the 5 day but a more in depth version. We teach all of the above but work on building a more reliable recall, solid heel command, place duration, outings to parks, dog friendly stores, patios, coffee shops, trails and tons of exposure work! This is ideal for all dogs!

12 day package


$250 e-collar included in price

The best package for owners who want to be less hands on with their dog! This package goes over leash manners, recall, place, crate manners and more but then we add in e-collar to be able to give your dog the freedom of being able to be off leash! Your e-collar becomes your main source of communicating with your dog. Great for dogs 6 months and older!

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